Diamond market is closed in August

Hope you are enjoying the summer and are somewhere nice and relaxing.

This is just to inform you, that the diamond district in Antwerp is closed all of August.

All diamond dealers will be back in their offices on September 1st.

I will of course always be available.

I LOVE diamonds and am always available for a diamond talk, so if you have any questions or just want to talk about diamonds, you are always super welcome to contact me.

All the best.


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Investing in Diamonds

During the past years, the use of diamonds as an investment and financial hedging tool has grown rapidly.

The reason is obvious: Diamond prices are always increasing. In the last 10-15 years, there’s been a huge interest in investing in colored diamonds, making prices for pink and blue diamonds rise by 400 %.

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Diamond Dealer Services

Born in Denmark, I work in Antwerp in Belgium – the centre of diamond trade in the word. From here, I find and select premium diamonds and gemstones to create custom-made jewelry for clients all over the globe. I love the idea of customized jewelry as I want to help you make exactly the piece of jewelry you desire. Read more about Diamond Dealer Services